View our Hall of Fame Club Members.

Become a Hall of Fame supporter with a contribution of $25 - $100 and get yourself permanently listed as a Bronze, Silver or Gold member in our Perry Website Hall of Fame Club.

Our contribution request of $10.00 is based upon a reunion to reunion cycle.

Make a check payable to
USS Perry Reunion Association and mail to:

Steve Silk
USS Perry Reunion Assn.
47 Alpine Drive
Wayne, NJ 07470

Enjoy the many wonderful memories of your Perry years
when we were 'young, handsom and invincible'.

Make a contribution using PayPal's secure credit card payment system
by clicking the following Support your Perry Website Effort button.


It's your contributions helps keep our website afloat.

All website programming services are
contributed by your Perry shipmate Steve Silk.

Our website contribution to our Association represents more than 1,000 +
programming hours, more than 2,500 data files and more than 33,000,000 bytes of storage.

The highlight of our Mystic Reunion award ceremony was our Challenge Coin presentation which was inspired by Admiral Hare when he presented Challenge Coins to several shipmates at our Philly Reunion. This Coin, given with a handshake, is a symbol of membership and friendship. The history of the challenge coin can be read on the internet. More importantly, be sure to have your coin with you at all times. When meeting a fellow Perry shipmate, failure to produce your Coin when challenged obligates you to pay for the libations.

After receiving a Challenge Coin at our Mystic reunion most everyone purchased additional coins to give friends.

The detail quality of our Perry Challenge Coin is superb. It's 1 1/2 inches in diameter aqnd weighs approximately 2 oz. Challenge Coins can be purchased for $8 each, includes shipping.

Contact Bob for availability 813-884-7690

$11.00 (includes shipping)

$5.00 (includes shipping)


OUT of Stock

 Place your order by EMAIL, PHONE
or US Postal Service to: - 757-464-2845
OUT of Stock

Gloria Escajeda
Mug Time Graphics Embroidery

Richard's Military Post Exchange
264 East Main Street,
Port Jervis, NY 127

Ship's Logo baseball type hats and everything else

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How to defeat Obama's socialist programs
by Dick Morris amd Wileen Mcgann (march 1, 2011)

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an easily duped electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
A US Patriot
Juan Felipe Garcia MD

"Liberty is expensive. We must be willing to pay a high price, or learn to live without it. "
José Martí

 Barnes and Noble

Take a quick look at some very special Naval book recommendations and books geared to retirement benefits. Purchasing one of these books could get you thousands in benefits.

Stories By Rick Flanagan 55-58 RD3

  Abilene Trail
Spanish Gold
The Triple K Ranch


The Abaline Trail will keep you in suspense to the end. It was very KOOL to see some book characters named after shipmates that served with Rick aboard the Perry. Who knows, you may find yourself immortalized in one Rick’s books.

Click here to purchase

Capt. David Meadows, a Tin Can Sailor has authored several exciting Naval thrillers focused around the Sixth Fleet. His books, The Sixth Fleet, Seawolf, Tomcat, Cobra and Joint Task Force Liberia are in paperback and reasonably priced so you might consider reading one to see if the Sixth Fleet stories you recall have any resemblance to the Captains stories.

Click here to purchase

The books can be reviewed on his website at

BUY: Unfit for Command:

A series of events in Vietnam as told by the Swift Boat men who served with John Kerry. They bring to light the side of Kerry that was to remain silent. We can thank John O'Neill, RDML Roy Hoffmann and all the others who had the courage to speak out and publish this book.